A complex for living, HAYAT…
nowadays the significance of habitation has changed in leaps and bounds. As a result, our need is over a residential complex, it becomes a need for a place of a dynamic life in all aspects. A place which includes all facilities and services even income for living in a higher quality.
recently our lives have been affected noticeably due to recent pandemic(COVID-19), a significant surge in the cost of living, and also the effects of technology in our socialization.
all of these facts are warning us that the start of a new era is close. An era that perhaps our professional and personal life will be involved together more than ever.having made these points; it can be concluded that our complex covers all human activities not only as a residence but also as a home which is the center magnet of living.
with this pint of view, the project is processed...
As the height increases, the floors of the project become more transparent, so that the project is designed as flat units up to the height of the neighbors and after crossing the skyline of the adjacent buildings, it becomes duplex units with broken floors. In this project, by fading the skyline, an attempt has been made to create a desirable and diverse quality for the residents and a fit and harmony for the neighbors.
which are provided in this project :
1- creating the hovering green garden
2- the Proper locating of the project occupancy level, which has caused the lighting of most units from the south
3- Creating a gap for dividing the project and adjusting the scale of the project with the northern neighbors and the appropriate lighting quality.
4- creating separated roofs for a reasonable social distancing
5- besides to designing various ambiance natures, the best solution is to design an application to create a social network in the project that controls from the security of the project to the reservation of recreational spaces and work complexes, and the payment of charges, etc. This greatly reduces the danger of face to face connections which are leading to the possible transmission of the coronavirus and also saves time.