The goal of the competition was to define a new residential typology on the outskirt of historic Prague zone that combines pathway to cross the river and residential units over the Vltava River. This opportunity encouraged the design team to propose a new extension to Prague urban space and making a lively and vibrant community that joins both side of the Vltava River by means of social activities in a dynamic space. Preparing the context for the people and interactions to take place, from small scales and personal activities to large scales and social events that bring neighborhood potentials to life and enabling wide ranges of experiences from tangible ones to some intangible and extraordinary involvement in the surroundings and consequently enhances the quality of life in the neighborhood community.
Rethinking on how residential formal typology as separated units and urban spaces can merge, cause to a combination of BRIDGE pathways and RESIDENTIAL spaces in a way that represents sequences of people life and social events, this organization of spaces links the river banks in a flexible way that maximize the quality of space by emerging interactions and possibilities of everyday life in the context of Prague. Searching on the way that residence experience can benefit from urban events and social activities led to a dynamic morph between different levels of privacy and public by the mean of access alternatives, view corridors and urban space extensions.
In the formal aspect of design, the bridge, redefined as an extension of urban SURFACE that merges the city from both sides of the Vltava river, instead of linear connection between two POINT, and created a double circular loop bridge that spatially twists and morphs between city/public and home/private.
By concerning historical context and height limitation of the site, instead of typically arrange residential units in vertical high-rise typology like a tower, it is bent over the river and units oriented in low-rise horizontal organization that facing to the central urban plaza.