This project with the subject of commercial-administrative use is located in a border site between local and trans-local (commercial) context. Indeed, the project’s land is situated between two areas; Residential area (quiet area) and non-residential area (noisy area) which is a combination of cultural, commercial, religious, administrative and traffic load layers. The commercial functions around the project, despite their diversity and breadth, did not interact successfully with the surrounding area. The contradiction and separation between these two contexts in “Hassan Seif Street” are well understood and visible because this border is bold and visible in this platform. In the design of this project, an attempt was made to bring the two urban and functional layers to coexist and interact. Not only the commercial-administrative function on the ground floor to the middle floor would efficiently work, but also, the urban layer would be a facade in the form of a stairway in the project’s edge to pull pedestrians to the upper floors and yards which is possibly done by a layered movement in the form of creating different views along the way and reaching the parks (project’s yard) in height.
Overall, the extension of population flux and public event space to the upper courtyards of the project by intermediate views made a conversion from horizontal pedestrian arteries into vertical courtyards. By this decision, a sense of vitality in the external separation and open spaces of the project on all floors is created.